What is Capstone?

Travis Crudup
2 min readSep 1, 2022


I’m Travis Crudup, a senior graphic design major at Maryville university. my past 3 years have been excellent and filled with learning many new skills. all those previous classes seem to lead up to our final year where we take graphic design Capstone.

As we embark on our last year here at Maryville, we design students to take on our senior capstone. This class is a chance for us to showcase everything we have learned here at Maryville. This could be a multitude of different things. it could be a large of amount of smaller pieces that follow a central theme to create a vast breadth of work, or it could be a singular project that goes in-depth and shows a lot of attention to detail.

Breadth of work

When creating a clothing line, this would fall under the category of a large number of smaller items to create an impressive breadth of work. This would include:

  • T-Shirt Design
  • Package design
  • Signage within the store
  • Local advertisements
  • Website mockups

In-depth Works

Creating a project that just hones in on one particular thing, creates something just as impressive as having many smaller things. For example, if you wanted to create an app that helps track food, this creates allows for a lot of problems to be solved ad for the designer to tackle. This could include:

  • Flow charts
  • In-app infographics
  • Social aspects of the app
  • Seamless transitions to different pages on the app

Humble beginnings

At the start of this journey, we are ideating as much as possible. We are searching until we find an idea that we like, and then pushing that idea to get uncomfortable in our design space. If someone had a theme in their portfolio coming together, it may be cool to develop that idea further; however, it might be more marketable to take on something more ambitious, and something you haven't really done before.

With this class having so much gray area, it gives us as students a lot of freedom to create something we are proud of and something we will be happy to present at our senior show in the spring. I’m excited to get rolling and put together something great. Keep up to date with my blog to hear about what direction I am headed in for my capstone project!



Travis Crudup

4th year graphic design student based in St.louis, Missouri.